Love the juxtaposition of the gargoyle and the hotel it is overlooking. I have just one nit—which is the top of a red something in the lower right corner. My suggestion would be to get rid of it either by a tilt of the frame or by cloning it out. Reply
Great depth of field and perspective and love the gargoyle. Perhaps a perspective crop would be helpful in getting rid of the red in the lower right. Reply
Moody, slightly eerie photo in a very good way! I love how the blues around the windows accentuate the neutral tones. Reply
I love the perspective and even depth of field.
Nice dark on light, adds an eerie feel.
Love the tones, the lines and the perspective. Very nice!
Love the juxtaposition of the gargoyle and the hotel it is overlooking. I have just one nit—which is the top of a red something in the lower right corner. My suggestion would be to get rid of it either by a tilt of the frame or by cloning it out.
Great depth of field and perspective and love the gargoyle. Perhaps a perspective crop would be helpful in getting rid of the red in the lower right.
I find this image appealingly eerie. I like the painterly quality of the church. Nice.
I like the tones in this image, it is very old worldly.
Moody, slightly eerie photo in a very good way! I love how the blues around the windows accentuate the neutral tones.