12 thoughts on “May2020-13131Joyner”

  1. You captured the elements of the story well. The accident scene, the demand for safety and dignity, the memorial to those lost. And more, all in one frame. Two thumbs up.

  2. Thanks for your comment! This hotel collapse is an ongoing episode of corruption and incompetence. The workers knew and reported it was a failing structure. There was even video before it collapsed killing 3. The remains of 2 workers are still there seven months later. It’s too dangerous to recover them. And hurricane season starts in a month.

  3. Great storytelling. The decision to include the fence—with the sign, teddy bear and everything else—and to make it the foreground and the wreck of the hotel the background was spot on. This one will stay with me.

  4. A powerful image indeed. You did a great job capturing the emotions of this tragedy Leslie. I like that you kept it in color.

  5. The story that this image captures is sad beyond words. So nicely done to include all the critical elements in the way that you did.

  6. Oh my. Wonderful photojournalism. You tell a very sad story and tell it beautifully. Very interesting that the color palette is so limited; keeps it somber.

  7. Fantastic photo. Great journalism. I spent 5 months last year working as a safety officer on a construction project and this photo hits hard. Fortunately, no one got hurt on my job.

  8. My eye went first to the collapsed roofline and all the complex forms in the rubble. And then I saw the memorials on the fence and realized that this was the site of a terrible accident. It was a shock. Very well done. I hope you also got some closer shots of the fence with the building in the background.
    On another note, I really miss you!

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